Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 2012

Tonight we met at Schepp's Southside to discuss the book The Last Van Gogh by Alyson Richman. Those who read the book found it interesting.  It was about a  doctor, his young daughter, and son, who treated Van Gogh with herbs for the dark periods he went through. The story was so interesting to some it made them look at Van Gogh's paintings online so they could actually see the pictures talked about in this book. 

We are going to meet next month on the 11th at Hunan's. Linda E. has suggested we read Peaches for Father Francis by Joanne Harris. This is the sequel to the book Chocolat. We will have our $10 gift exchange as well.

Kelsey, Linda E., and Joan

Antionette, Pat, Paula, and Linda B.